Synchronization is a natural tendency toward order, as it can unite separate entities. Synchronous observations are performed in every scale from subatomic to cosmic. The changing motion patterns of flying birds, groups of aquatic animals, firefly glows, cardiac pacemaker spontaneous fires that make the heartbeat, neuronal avalanches of the brain, epileptic seizures, and laser beams are examples of synchronous functions.
Synchronized behavior of swarms of biological creatures can be explained based on three simple rules: Awareness of the nearest neighbor behavior, a tendency to line up with other members, and an attraction towards each other. Reliable explanation of the emergence of these rules requires mathematical model scientists are trying to construct.
Dynamical coupled systems experience synchronous phase if coupling strength exceeds the difference in frequencies. Kuramoto model is often employed to study the transition from a completely asynchronous phase to a fully synchronized state after a certain threshold for phase oscillators. This model assumes weak coupling of a great number of oscillators and model their interactions as a periodic function of phase difference. The model describes certain physical systems, as well as biological and neural synchronous events.
A complex network can affect the synchronization process through network topology, which can facilitate or disrupt synchronization depending on its details. As such, a great number of researches are dedicated to interactions between network topology and synchronization, as well as the influence of the oscillation phase in the quality of synchronization processes.